The Bar
Please be advised that our bar area and the stairway is being decorated and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Gerry, our decorator, will be working at times when the club is not particularly busy. This decoration is required due to the removal of pictures and to make good the scarred walls.
Membership Cards
Once again we would like to remind members to register their cards. Once registered and with credit added to the card, then you are entitled to the 20% discount on food and drink items served at the bar.
Without your card, the bar personnel cannot take off the 20% discount. Please be reminded that this membership card will eventually have additional services to enable our members to use this facility in many different ways. If you have not received your card please contact the office. This is not the fault of our office staff as the delivery of the cards was, and still is, in the hands of our service provider. Have you moved house recently? Do we have all your correct contact details? Do we have your correct residential address?
Save the Date
Marj Rimeur is organising a charity tennis tournament on Thursday 5th May in aid of NSPCC.
Please make a note in your diary. The event will run from 8.30 am - 1/1.30 pm and may include lunch.
Further details to follow. As a club, we have always tried to support these charity events. Our donation is free court hire/provision of balls and use of the clubhouse as the organisers wish. The coaches too donate in the form of not requiring their normal court availability.
Easter Camps
We have just finished a very successful week of Junior Camps. Well done to Karen and Scott for making it such a fun experience for our junior players. We are now looking towards the Easter Camps which is open for sign-ups: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/junior-easter-tennis-camp-tickets-277518895487
Respectful Treatment of Staff
Unfortunately due to aggressive behaviour by some members towards the office and bar staff, it is necessary to remind our members that this is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We attach the Code of Conduct document for your information and reference. "Do unto others as you would be done by" - a great expression.