Junior Squads
A reminder to parents of junior members, you would've all received an email (please check junk mail) regarding junior squads for the new term. They will begin again from the 11th Sept so if you haven't signed your children up yet, please can you do so before the end of August. Any issues please email the office - club-communications@ctc.club
Club Sessions
From September the coaches will be running some new weekly sessions:
Adults Shot Clinic:
This weekly clinic will have a different shot to work on every week, be it first serve or return of serve, we will work on the technical and tactical elements of each shot. Run by Andrew. Sign up here
Junior Drill Clinic:
This session will focus on intensity, movement and hitting a high volume of tennis balls to improve stroke production under pressure which will develop resilience when in a match situation. Run by Andrew. Sign up here
Club Performance:
This session is for the club's top advanced adult players who play in leagues 1 & 2 plus all the aspiring juniors (15yrs+), we want you to give 100% intensity to keep pushing and improving your performance. Sign up here
Tennis Masterclass
We are very privileged to have Simon Wheatley coming over again to the Caesarean in September to deliver his Masterclasses.
Simon will be running the following sessions:
Adult Mens: Sat 23rd Sept, 9am-11am - £30 - Sign up
Adult Ladies: Sat 23rd Sept, 11am-1pm - £30 - Sign up
Adult Performance: Sat 23rd Sept, 2pm-5pm - £30 - Sign up
Orange Ball 9&U: Sun 24th Sept, 9am-10.30am - £18 - Sign up
Green Ball 10&U: Sun 24th Sept, 11am-12.30pm - £18 - Sign up
Performance 14&U: Sun 24th Sept, 1.30pm to 4.30pm - £30 - Sign up
He will cover many topics including; specific doubles tactics, serving team court positions, return options and court coverage.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn useful information to help you and/or your child progress in tennis. Sign up via the links above, before the 1st Sept to secure your space.
Club Treasurer
We still have a vacancy for the vital role of Treasurer, this may become a compliance issue in the future. Can we please ask all the accountants in our membership if any would be interested in helping the club for just a few hours a month? Please contact the office - club-communications@ctc.club
Club Bookkeeper
We would like to say a big thank you to Sarah Jones for providing bookkeeping services to the club over the last couple of years. Sarah has advised us that she is moving on to take up a new challenge. If there are any bookkeepers within our membership, we would love to hear from you to discuss the job role. Please contact the office - club-communications@ctc.club
Court 8 Update
Although the fence is bent, it is stable and we are looking for someone to repair it. Please feel free to book this court in the meantime, as it's still safe to play on.
Club Opening Hours
Please note that the office will be closed on Friday 25th and Monday 28th August. The bubble will also be closed from 4 pm on Monday but if no one has booked by noon, it may close earlier.