Men's Tennis Men's Quilter Cheviot tennis will start on Monday 5th June at 6:30pm. Ian Morgan will be running the event, to sign up please email ian@jtsje.com or club-communications@ctc.club the cost is £5 per session. Please sign up early as we only have 5 courts to start the season until the other courts are resurfaced, so only 20 spaces are available. Artificial Clay Court Update There has been great progress on the new courts over the past week. The following works have been completed by 1st Surface:
Existing emerald surface pierced and filled with shingle to improve drainage
Old netpost sockets and concrete dug up and removed
New concrete edging installed around perimeter
New tarmac surface laid
New netpost sockets installed
We are now awaiting delivery of the playing surface to complete the works. Unfortunately, we have been advised that delivery of the sand has been delayed due to a mechanical failure by the sand supplier and we are awaiting confirmation of a revised completion date.
In the meantime, the courts have been marked with temporary lines on the tarmac and we are looking to expedite new netposts and nets to enable the courts to be brought into service until the artifical clay carpet and sand is delivered.
Hitting Wall Practice Area
We are pleased to announce the hitting wall and practice area at the back of Court 5 has been refurbished and is now available for members' use.
Feel free to work on your backhand!
Coffee Machine
An order has been placed for the purchase of a self service coffee machine in the bar area. The expected delivery time is 3-4 weeks.
In the meantime, please feel free to avail yourself to the tea and coffee station. Thank you for your patience whilst this is put in place and for keeping the area clean and tidy for all members.
The bar continues to be open every weekend from 10am-2pm.
We Are Tennis Finals (WAT)
Part of the sponsorship given by BNP Paribas is for a Caesarean coach to invite all the Year 3 students in the island's Primary Schools to participate in tennis. This has always been a great success and occasionally it has given one or two youngsters the encouragement to continue after the schools' session ends.
The finals are taking place on Friday 16th June, from 8.30am until about 2.30pm, and it is anticipated that about 100 players will take part. This takes a lot of organising and all our coaches get involved. We also wish for parents to volunteer their help and any member who may wish also to get involved to get in touch with Adam Bayley on adam@jerseytenniscoach.com.
BNP Paribas Summer Tournament
Let's hope you have already marked in your diary the date for this LTA Open Tournament. Starts on Sunday 30th July and finishes on Friday 4th August. It is an LTA Tournament and gives all the tennis players in the island a great opportunity to experience such a tournament held under LTA Rules. We would love to encourage our adult and veteran players, who are more than able to take part in this tournament, to support the club and the organisation it takes to put on the show and also our sponsors for so generously financing the event.
Entries will be open from the 14th June and can be taken via the link below:
Junior Camps
We have just finished a very successful week of Junior Camps. Well done to all the coaches for making it such a fun experience for our junior players. We are now looking towards the Summer Camps which will be running from 24th-28th July and 7th-25th August. Sign-ups for this will be advertised within the next week on our website and Facebook page, so please keep an eye out.