Mixed Adult Spring Singles League
A reminder for any members that are interested in joining our Singles League this Spring, that the closing date for sign-ups is this Sunday, 21st Jan. This is aimed at all levels Ladies & Men and also for juniors 14+ years who are competing at island level.
Start Date: 28th January
Finish Date: 30th March
Cost per person to enter: £10 (to pay for admin and prizes)
Enter here: Spring League Sign Ups
Competition Organiser: Andrew Evans - thetennislocker@gmail.com
Last date to enter: Sunday 21st January
Junior Spring Indoor League Competition
A reminder to parents who received an email regarding the upcoming Junior Spring League, if you would like to sign your children up, please can you do so before this Sunday, 21st January via email to Andrew Evans - thetennislocker@gmail.com
Rusty Rackets
Rusty Rackets is now cancelled due to insufficient numbers, apologies to any members who wanted to attend this term. We may run it again in the future or replace it with something new, watch this space.
Lost Property
Please be advised that there is a box in the corridor beside the used ball box, of various articles of clothing, accessories and water bottles, which have been left lying around in various areas of the club and outside. If you have lost anything please take a look in the box. All remaining items shall be donated to a charity next week.
Club Maintenance
The hard court fencing will be removed and replaced from the 19th of February – work is expected to last two weeks. Work has also begun to plant new hedge plants around the club to improve appearance and security.
Club Calendar
We have now added a club calendar to the website which shows all club sessions and upcoming tournaments for 2024- click here to view
Club Flood - One Year On
Today marks one year since the club was affected by serious flooding. We're happy to say that all damage has since been fixed but unfortunately, we now have new damage caused by the storm which is currently being looked at. Let's hope that we don't experience any more disasters this year!
