Membership Renewals 2024
We wish to remind members that your current membership expired on the 31st March. The new membership year has now begun and we attach the membership rates and categories for 2024/2025, payment should be made via BACS or by card in the office/via phone. Please note that although invoices show the full subscription rate, if you pay before the 30th April, you are entitled to an early bird discount (as shown in the rates), please remove your appropriate discount before making payment.Thank you to those members who have already paid their subs and if any members have overpaid, this has been noted and will be processed at the end of the month.
Ladies Team Tennis
Time is running out to add your name to the list of players if you would like to be part of the upcoming ladies team tennis!Start date: Tuesday 14th MayStart time: Meet at 6.15 pm for a prompt 6.30pm startPrice: £8 per person for the 6-week duration of this sessionPlease send an email to Trish Irving on dodlio1953@gmail.com (mobile 07797 740127) with the information below:
Mobile/ home telephone number
Email address
OR sign up on the entry form provided on the Quilter Cheviot board, on the right-hand side as you come into the Clubhouse. Closing date for the entries is: Friday 19th April 2024.
For more information click here: Ladies Team Tennis
Men's Tennis
Men's Quilter Cheviot tennis will start on Monday 22nd April at 6:30pm. Ian Morgan will be running the event, to sign up please email ian@cybertrain.org the cost is £5 per session. Please sign up early if you're interested in taking part.
Pickleball Training
Ian Morgan and Andrew Evans are once again starting Pickleball training sessions. These sessions will be a mixture of playing, skills and learning the game in a fun environment.
Running Tuesday evenings from 6.30pm to 7.30pm, until the 21st May. £60 for the six-week course or £10 per session.
If you'd like to sign up for a session you can do so below but please note that sign-ups will close on the Sunday before the session.
Sign up: Pickleball Training
NSPCC Tournament
Marj Rimeur is organising a charity tennis tournament in aid of NSPCC on Thursday 16th May from 9-1pm, play will commence at 9am so please arrive earlier if you would like to warm up. Refreshments will include free bottles of water and the legendary lunch provided by Biddy Waters at 12.45pm. There will also be a raffle and cake stall. If you have any suitable prizes, please bring them along on the day.
Entry is £35 per person including entrance fees, water, morning play and super buffet lunch, with all monies raised going directly to the NSPCC in Jersey.
If you would like to sign up, please complete the attached form and return to
Rusty Rackets
There is still time to join the Rusty Rackets group on Thursday between 12 and 1pm which will run from 18th April - 23rd May for 5 weeks. This is an excellent session for people who have played tennis in the past but haven't picked up a racket for a few years and would like to get back into the swing of it again!
Sign up: Rusty Rackets
Bella's at the Caesarean
On Saturday 20th April, Bella's will be running a bingo night with UNLIMITED pizza, salad and the bar will be open as usual. Tickets are £30 per person (£20 for food, £10 towards prizes). Contact Bella's at bellacaesarean@hotmail.com to book in your team.
They have also updated their opening hours:
Mon - 10am to 5pm
Tue - Closed
Wed - 10am to 5pm
Thu - Closed
Fri - 10am to 9pm
Sat - 9am to 9pm
Sun - 9am to 5pm
However, Bella’s are prepared to open on Tuesdays and Thursdays on request, subject to prior notice and a minimum group of 10 persons. Email request and pre-order should be sent to Rdcatering@outlook.com