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The Committee, Court Bubble, Club Security

Committee Members

The current committee is very concerned that only one person has come forward to consider coming on the next committee. As a reminder the vacancies are:


Vice Chair

Mens Captain

Ladies Captain

Safeguarding Officer


In addition to the above, please be advised that Donovan Bennett has recently resigned from the committee due to personal reasons. Jenna Fleming is still considering her position as Junior Liaison Officer.

This is your club and the Rules of the club require the following positions to form the Officers of the Club: Chairperson, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Club Captains.

These are vital roles in order to allow the club to continue and we do ask that all members seriously consider the consequences if no committee can be formed.

The management of the Club shall be vested in the Executive Committee which shall consist of the above positions plus House & Grounds and Junior Liaison Officers.

In light of the above, the current committee will be at the club at a date yet to be determined but within the next few weeks, in order to meet members to discuss the future of the club and the best way forward.

In the meantime, should anyone feel they could provide their experience/ abilities in any of the above categories, to contact Sue on


Thanks to those who would normally frequent the bar during the week and have been unable to do so this past week. The kitchen has had a deep clean and a new floor has been put into the bar and storage area.

Tony, our new part-time steward, has been at the club a few times already and has met some of our long-standing members who remember him from years ago. We hope you will all get to know him in the coming weeks. He is going to bring back some of the "old favourites" - bacon rolls/ Friday night family suppers/weekend brunch etc. Nothing can happen overnight but we do hope everyone will support the club and the food and beverage operation going forward.

Inflation of the Bubble

Many members are asking when does our Bubble go up. As always there is the synchronisation of weather conditions and having a professional from Covair to come over for a day to supervise our team of men. We are aiming for the end of September but it may be earlier.....or later!

Security of the clubhouse and the property as a whole

Now that we have no persons on the premises during the evening we have had to monitor the closure of the Bubble. If the indoor courts are not booked by 5pm, we may need to block off the courts and lock the Bubble for security reasons. With more activity starting to take place again in the evenings we hope that this will not be necessary going forward. Boys have been seen in the car park and also playing football on the astro courts!

Junior Squads

A reminder to parents of junior members, that squads begin next week (12th Sept) with the first Junior Club Night on the 16th Sept. All squads that run next Thursday 15th Sept, are also cancelled due to a private event at the club.


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